Tungsten Carbide Inserts


Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9333

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9334

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9335 - 07-9338

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-7-9339 - 07-9340

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9341

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9342- 07-9345

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9348 - 07-9349

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9350 - 07-9351

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9352 - 07-9353

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9354 - 07-9355

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9356 - 07-9357

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9358 - 07-9359

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9360 - 07-9361

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9362 - 07-9363

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9364 - 07-9365

Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts without TC

# BI-07-9366 - 07-9367